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OOBDAndroid Manual

Attention: OOBDAndroid is in an early Beta state and not indented for normal users - this version and this documentation is only for geeks :-)

Are you a geek?

If you understand the installation instructions below, then you are.. if not, just wait for the final version ;-)


  1. Unpack the zip archive into the root folder of your android SD-Card.
  2. In the new created OOBD directory you'll find the file “buscom.props”. In there set the BTDevice to the MAC Adress of your OOBD dongle in the same syntax as shown (“AA:BB:CC…”). Make sure that you use a editor which is able to handle UTF8 unix files correctly
  3. make sure that you've paired your mobile with the OOBD dongle, so that it is a known device
  4. In the OOBD folder you'll find the OOBDAndroid…apk file. Install this on your mobile

If you now start the OOBD App, it should automatically connect to the OOBD dongle and execute the script.

If you want to use other scripts, copy them into the OOBD folder and change the filename in “enginelua.props” accordingly

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doc/android.1312657087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/08/06 20:58 by admin