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Flashing & Testing from an bootable USB- Stick

A “portable” Flash & Test environment for the Dongle hardware can be installed on an empty USB-Stick (all older data on that stick will be ereased!). Just follow the instructions below:

Download and install Knoppix either on CD or, if you want to make your setting and installations permanent, use UNetBootIn install to it on a usb stick..

After installation on the stick, boot from the stick.

In case you run Knoppix from a VirtualPC on your PC

at the boot prompt type fb1024x768 as boot parameter to avoid crash during boot)

in /etc/network/interfaces add

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp

to get eth0 to work. Start it with ifup eth0

Start it

Open a bash terminal window

In case you are working from inside a corperate network, do not forget to set the system proxy environment variables before starting the setup process by typing the following commands into the terminal window:

export HTTP_HOST=your_proxy_hostname
export HTTP_PORT=your_proxy_port_number

In case you have set up your Knoppix to run from usb stick and using persistent storage, you can place your above settings in the same format into a file named .oobd.conf in your home directory

copy the following text into the terminal and let it run:

test -f ~/.oobd.conf && source ~/.oobd.conf
if [ "$HTTP_HOST" -a "$HTTP_PORT" ]; then
   export http_proxy="http://"$HTTP_HOST:$HTTP_PORT
wget -O
chmod +x

The setup will download a lot of software packages to extend your Knoppix system.

After finishing, you will find a OOBD Icon on your desktop which provides you with a menu to flash the bootloader and/or firmware via USB-Serial-Adaptor. You might also flash the firmware via bluetooth with an intact bootloader. It also contains a test via Bluetooth for a dongle which tests the hardware (LEDs, Buzzer, CAN & KL-Bus). For a successful CAN & KL-Test some special external hardware needs to be connected.

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doc/hw_flash-from-usb-stick.txt · Last modified: 2015/05/14 12:23 by admin