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The OOBD Lua Tutorial

FIXME under construction

While the page Lua scripts in OOBD tells you the basics about how Lua works inside OOBD, this tutorial will show you how to use Lua to realize your own ideas in OOBD.

In this tutorial we'll read the VIN number from a vehicle. While doing that, we'll create a menu, identify the hardware, use the OOBD Lua function library, talk to the vehicle and show the result.

First we'll need a Menu on the screen to be able to start anything at all. That we'll do with the following code sequence

function Start(oldvalue,id)
	openPage("VIN Test")
	addElement("VIN Number", "vin","-",0x2, "")
	return oldvalue
----------------- Do the initial settings --------------
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doc/lua/tutorial.1308506269.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/06/19 19:57 by admin