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start [2014/01/25 17:28] wsauerstart [2024/07/16 08:03] (current) – [What is OOBD?] admin
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-When you are familiar with Vehicle Diagnostics, you know: You have 100 problems, and for each problem you've your own softwarean own dedicated hardware and some dedicated hardware drivers to deal with that particular task.+OOBD (Open On Board Diagnostics) is not a single hardcoded diagnostic applicationits a runtime environment instead which gives you the flexibility to implement your own ideasneeds and wants. By supporting the hardware connectivity, diagnostic software library and a powerful User interface, you can fully focus on your problem without re-inventing the wheel again and again.
-To get out of this hell of tools, the target of OOBD (means Open On Board Diagnosticsis to provide an open framework as one single program, which is able to handle all kinds of diagnostic problems by having a flexible plug-in interface for all type of requests, visualizations and hardware.+All your results (diagnostic functionality and user interface layoutcan be packed into one single container file and shared and distributed and executed on both Desktop machines and Android mobiles.
 +{{  :web:webui.png?800  }}
 +===== Rest in Peace, OOBD... =====
 +Over the years the market was flooded with OBD dongles and Diagnostics apps, many key developers moved to other places, so OOBD lost its meaning, so this project is not alive anymore. But its main concept of creating diagnostic applications out of flexible scripts has been armended, modernized and taken over into the [[https://github.com/stko/labdash|Labdash]] project, which is using the full power of python instead of just Lua and the full graphic capability of a web browser instead of just the simple table view of the old OOBD.
 ===== Quickstart ===== ===== Quickstart =====
-To download, install, setup and run the software, please follow the instructions for [[:doc:android|Android]] or [[:doc:windows|Windows]].+To download, install, setup and run the software, please follow the instructions for [[:doc:startup_android|Android]] or [[:doc:startup_windows|Windows]].
-For all documents, please use the links [[:menu|Content]] and [[:doc:start|Manual]] provided in the header of each page.+For all documents, please use the links [[:start?do=index|Sitemap]] and [[:doc:start|Manual]] provided in the header of each page.
 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
 +As the feature list became to long for the main page, we moved it to the separate [[:web:features|Feature page]].
-    * Runs on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and JavaMe 
-    * The Application Menu lists and functions are not hardcoded, they are programmable by lua scripts, who do the menus and the whole data handling 
-    * some ODX dialects can be automatically translated into lua scripts ready to use - helpful when transforming module specifications 
-    * Own dongle with own firmware supports 
-      * full length UDS messages (4095Bytes) 
-      * selective buffering of real time can messages directly in the dongle to de-couple the mobile app from real time requirements 
-      * can inject mode to send whole frame sequences for data simulation 
-      * raw can mode 
-      * readout for rx/tx CAN error counter to measure bus quality 
-      * in field updateable via bluetooth 
-===== Several Platforms =====+===== Own Hardware - The CAN-Invader =====
-^  Java-ME ((partly)) </sup>  ^  Android  ^  Windows (and Linux & Mac((No installation pack available yet, needs to be compiled manually out of the repository)) ) | +Although the build plans are available in the OOBD repository, we did recommend to better buy a completely build & tested CAN invader device at our partner
-|  {{  :pics:oobdme-window.png?150  }}  |{{  :pics:diagnose.png?150  }} |{{  :swing_screenshot.png?437  }} |+
-===== Flexibility =====+[[caninvader|{{  :jatra_logo_mittel.jpeg?nolink&300  }}]].
-This is realized by control the functions by loadable (Lua) scripts.+It was found that there's a lot of experience and time needed to collect all parts and to solder the dongle by yourself. Especially for commercial applications it's more effective to directly order the complete units.
-==== Examples ====+{{  :house1.jpg?100  }}
 +===== Our Partners & Sponsors =====
-Building the main menu: 
 +Jatra as our partner in produce and distribute the [[caninvader|CAN Invader]]
-<code lua>function Start(oldvalue,id) 
- identifyOOBDInterface() 
- setSendID("$7E8") -- set not UDS compatible sender (=answer) address for OOBD firmware 
- openPage("OOBD-ME Main") 
- addElement("Sensor Data >", "createCMD01Menu",">>>",0x1, "") 
-        addElement("Snapshot Data >", "createCMD02Menu",">;;>;;>;;",0x1, "") 
-        addElement("Dynamic Menu3 >", "createCMD03Menu",">;;>;;>;;",0x1, "") 
- addElement("Trouble Codes", "showdtcs","-",0x1, "") 
- addElement("VIN Number", "vin","-",0x2, "") 
- addElement("Clear Trouble Codes", "clearDTC","-",0x0, "") 
- addElement("System Info >>;;>;;", "SysInfo_Menu",">;;>;;>;;",0x1, "") 
- addElement("Greetings", "greet","",0x1, "") 
- pageDone() 
- return oldvalue 
 +We also would like to thank our sponsors to support the OOBD idea:  [[http://www.hellermanntyton.de/|{{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/HellermannTyton#/media/File:HellermannTyton-Logo.svg}}]] 
-Reading the VIN number: +----
- +
- +
-<code lua>function vin(oldvalue,id) +
- echoWrite("0902\r\n"+
- udsLen=receive() +
- if udsLen>0 then +
- if udsBuffer[1]==73 then +
- local pos=4 +
- local res="" +
- while pos <= udsLen and pos < 36 do +
- if udsBuffer[pos]>31 then +
- res=res..string.char(udsBuffer[pos]) +
- end +
- pos= pos +1 +
- end +
- return res +
- else +
- return "Error" +
- end +
- else +
- return "NO DATA" +
- end +
-end +
-</code> +
- +
- +
-===== Own Hardware ===== +
- +
- +
-Although the build plans are available in the OOBD repository, we do recommend to better buy a finished CAN invader device on [[http://caninvader.de|CANInvader.de]]. It was found that there's a lot of experience and time needed to collect all parts and to solder the dongle by yourself. Especially for commercial applications it's more effective to directly order the complete units. +
- +
- +
-===== About us ===== +
- +
- +
-We started as a small group of mainly automotive engineers who wanted to have some simple and handy equipment for our daily work. +
- +
- +
-==== Join the OOBDCommunity.. ==== +
- +
- +
-If you like the concept of a flexible, configurable diagnostic software so much as we do, you might want to take the advantage of Open Source and take the base to implement your own ideas, wishes and needs which is, of course, a good idea +
- +
- +
-But.. +
- +
- +
-As you certainly know, there are hundreds of diagnostic programs around, solving hundreds single problems, each one for its own. We have set up the OOBD project to generate a generic framework  to have just one single program instead which can be adapted to every possible topic. +
- +
- +
-We are now just worried that you probably like this idea of this all-in-one-design, and you start your own all-in-one project - so that in the end we end up with hundred all-in-one concepts… +
- +
- +
-So please before you start your own thing, have a thought about to [[:dev:join|join us]]. We are wide open to every new idea, and as you see, we are also just at the beginning, but we really would like to end up with just one program for everything. +
 {{  :oobd_logo_tooling.png?229  }} {{  :oobd_logo_tooling.png?229  }}
-===== Our Partners & Sponsors ===== 
-[[http://venotec.de|VenoTec]] as our partner in produce and distribute the [[http://caninvader.de|CAN Invader]] 
-<html><!– Place this tag where you want the widget to render. –> <div class="g-post" data-href="https://plus.google.com/103009956802601954261/posts/18QqdLZKY6p"></div></html>  We also would like to thank our sponsors to support the OOBD idea:  [[http://www.hellermanntyton.de/|{{http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/thumb/7/70/HellermannTyton-Logo.svg/200px-HellermannTyton-Logo.svg.png?nolink&}}]] <html><!– Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. –> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://  apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script></html> 