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doc:dev_roadmap [2014/08/24 19:33] admindoc:dev_roadmap [2014/11/23 20:33] wsauer
Line 1: Line 1:
 Legend Legend
-<graphviz dot right > 
-digraph finite_state_machine { 
-# rankdir=LR; 
-# size="9,5" 
-    node [shape=circle style=filled]; 
-    Fn [ label = "Feature" fillcolor= green]; 
-    node [shape=box style=filled] +<graphviz dot right> digraph finite_state_machine { # rankdir=LR; # size="9,5" 
- Tn [ label = "Work task" fillcolor= green]; +<code> 
- Tb [ label = "White\nnothing done yet" fillcolor= white]; +  node [shape=circle style=filled]; 
- Tr [ label = "Orange\nconcept studies" fillcolor= orange]; +  Fn [ label = "Merkmal" fillcolor= green]; 
- Ty [ label = "Yellow\nPartial / Beta" fillcolor= yellow]; +</code> 
- Tg [ label = "Green\nin use" fillcolor= green];+ 
 +  node [shape=box style=filled] 
 +Tn [ label = "Arbeitsaufgabe" fillcolor= green]; 
 +Tb [ label = "White\nnoch nicht erledigt" fillcolor= white]; 
 +Tr [ label = "Orange\nKonzept Studien" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +Ty [ label = "Yellow\nTeilfertig / Beta" fillcolor= yellow]; 
 +Tg [ label = "Green\nin Gebrauch" fillcolor= green]; 
 +} </graphviz>
 Tasks Tasks
-<graphviz dot right > +<graphviz dot right > digraph finite_state_machine { # rankdir=LR; # size="9,5" 
-digraph finite_state_machine { +<code> 
- rankdir=LR; +      node [shape=circle style=filled]; 
-# size="9,5" +</code> 
-        node [shape=circle style=filled];+ 
 +      F1 [ label = "simple\nData IO" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F2 [ label = "primitive\nFlashing" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F3 [ label = "Windows\nUniversial\nApp" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F4 [ label = "Web-UI" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F5 [ label = "complex\nFlash" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F6 [ label = "Script\nLibrary" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F7 [ label = "App\nStore" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F8 [ label = "Publications" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F9 [ label = "OOBD\nSatelite" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F10 [ label = "P2P\nSync" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F11 [ label = "semantic\nWiki" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      F12 [ label = "complex\nUserhandling" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      F13 [ label = "automatic\nDiagnostics" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      node [shape=box style=filled] 
 +T1 [ label = "file\nroutines" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +T2 [ label = "Buffers" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T3 [ label = "IKVM\nInterface" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T4 [ label = "Script\nContainer" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T5 [ label = "WebSocket\nUI-Interface" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T6 [ label = "Clean up\nScripts" fillcolor= yellow]; 
 +      T7 [ label = "Simplify\nAndroid\nInstallation" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T8 [ label = "Rhaspi\nRouter" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T9 [ label = "WiFi" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T10 [ label = "Flash\nLanguage\nInterpreter" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      T11 [ label = "App\nFW Flash" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +      T12 [ label = "setup\nPlayground" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      T13 [ label = "create\nWikiAPI" fillcolor= white]; 
 +      T14 [ label = "PGP\nUserGui" fillcolor= white]; 
 +# X →  T1  T1 → F1 F1 → T2 T2 → F2 → F5 T10 → F5 
 +T3 → F3 
 +T4 → F4 T5 → F4 
 +T6 → F6 F6 → F7 T7 → F7 F7 → F8 
 +T8 → F9 T9 → F9
-        F1 [ label = "simple\nData IO" fillcolor= orange]; 
-        F2 [ label = "primitive\nFlashing" fillcolor= orange]; 
-        F3 [ label = "Windows\nUniversial\nApp" fillcolor= white]; 
-        F4 [ label = "Web-UI" fillcolor= orange]; 
-        F5 [ label = "complex\nFlash" fillcolor= white]; 
-        F6 [ label = "Script\nLibrary" fillcolor= white]; 
-        F7 [ label = "App\nStore" fillcolor= white]; 
-        F8 [ label = "Publications" fillcolor= white]; 
-        F9 [ label = "OOBD\nSatelite" fillcolor= orange]; 
 +F10 → T11
-        node [shape=box style=filled] 
- T1 [ label = "file\nroutines" fillcolor= orange]; +F11 → T12 → T13
- T2 [ label = "Buffers" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T3 [ label = "IKVM\nInterface" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T4 [ label = "Script\nContainer" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T5 [ label = "WebSocket\nUI-Interface" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T6 [ label = "Clean up\nScripts" fillcolor= yellow]; +
-        T7 [ label = "Simplify\nAndroid\nInstallation" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T8 [ label = "Rhaspi\nRouter" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T9 [ label = "WiFi" fillcolor= orange]; +
-        T10 [ label = "Flash\nLanguage\nInterpreter" fillcolor= white];+
-# X ->  T1  +T14 → F12
-T1 -> F1 +
-F1 -> T2 +
-T2 -> F2 -> F5 +
-T10 -> F5+
-T3 -> F3 
-T4 -> F4 +T1 → F13 T13 → F13
-T5 -> F4+
-T6 -> F6 +F6 → F13 } </graphviz>
-F6 -> F7 +
-T7 -> F7 +
-F7 -F8+
-T8 -> F9 
-T9 -> F9 
doc/dev_roadmap.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/14 17:35 by admin