
This script is made to monitor the correcet function of the Kadaver server in an automated ennvironment

Usage: svd_KadaverControl.py [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url=URL             hostname (ws://localhost:9000)
  --cert=CERT           cert file for SSL verification
  --loop                run in a loop instead only once
  --singleshot          runs until error condition is reached
  --debug               debug output
                        Nr of continious errors before set error flag

The command line parameters are:

If neither –loop or –singleshot are given, the script is making ony one trial to either get a working connection or the reach the error state

When leaving, the scripts returns either 0 (Server is working well) or 1 (Server is not working) as exit code. This code can be evaluated to automatically restart the server, if needed.